As you might know, the default login page in WordPress is domain/wp-login.php. Almost every other person in the world knows that it is the login page of a WordPress blog. So if someone gets yourpassword, it is easy for them to login to your WordPress dashboard and change the default password. Trial & error and brute force attacks by bots on a particular page would also lead to password theft. Stealth Login is a WordPress plugin that can be used to change WordPress login URL to custom URL and prevent such incidents.
Stealth Login is a WordPress plugin :
Stealth Login WordPress plugin options:
Download the plugin here, upload to the WordPress plugin directory and activate. As you can see from the screenshot, there is a simple option to customize WordPress login slug. First, turn the plugin ON and enter the required login URL slug in the login slug box. Now enable stealth mode and save changes. Plugin will start working from the next login.
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