Sometimes we get our computer more loaded than its limit. Then we have to kill some nonworking working program which have made our system busy. This is a simple trick to kill the non-responsive/nonworking programs that you often use.
While pressing CTRL+ ALT+DELETE, when a program is not responding, and choosing to kill the task may take several time. Especially it may take time to load taskmanager when you have more than two non-responsive windows.
At that situation simply use the following command:
Go to Start> Run
taskkill /f /im programname.exe
/f parameter refers to force the taskkill.
/im parameter refers to kill the other linking tasks that may be causing problem.
When you type the command and press OK button, it will load a MS-DOS window and fade out promptly and in no time you’ll see your non-responsive window being closed.
For example,
For non-responsive photshop:
Taskkill /f /im photoshop.exe
For non-responsive firefox:
Taskkill /f /im firefox.exe