Here are 30 Tips to Become a Quality Writer:
1. Become a Blogger & Start Writing!
2. Be Serious about what you are writing.
3. Choose your interested subject e.g. Facebook, twitter, etc & research on it till you know huge about that subject..
4. If your research gives you the “green signal”, then step forward to write deeper about that subject..
5. Read your written article again & again, to find every minor mistakes. (Proof-read)
6. Keep the Writings Clean with the sufficient gaps in the paragraphs!
7. Keep Remarkable And Cathy sub-headlines in the article.
8. Give a deep attention in the header & Footer of the article. First few lines of your article will tempt readers to read your article completely.
9. Write Attractive Headlines to drive readers You should write the title of the article after finishing the article. This way you can come up with better article titles.
10. Share your written article with your friends for feedback!
11. Always remember: there is always a scope for improvement.
12. Write with passion.
13. Keep taking breaks between the Writing & Editing to give your mind rests.
14. You keep yourself engage, curious & open in your writing..
15. Make a daily routine to learn words from dictionary, for adding up a nice collection of words in your article…
16. Try to Follow the old way of Writing .i.e. the use of pen & paper.
17. Read the Grammar books for better use of grammar in your article.
18. Keep different types of writings in blog – short posts, medium posts, round ups, pillar posts, etc..
19. Keep Challenging yourself on writing difficult contents.
20. Don’t Go for the quantity of your article, always Go for the Quality.
21. Always accept criticism and try to learn from it..
22. Always read, think and write… And Read More.
23. Read your articles loudly so that you can understand “What you want to say to your readers“..
24. Try to Reduce the maximum number of words from your article to make it more brief & easy to understand but by reducing the words that doesn’t means to reduce the main voice of your writing.
25. Visit the Public Forums and listen to the people about what latest they are talking about… This can help you to generate a new topic idea for your new post!26. Make Notes of the random ideas strikes on your mind.. This will help you to develop your article’s structure.
27. Use the Simple & Declarative Sentence..
28. Always try to Avoid the Passive voice on your writing.
29. Make a Limit Use of the adjectives and adverbs.
30. Again Recheck before Clicking the “Publish” button..
If you have any such good ideas or tips, then don't let them spare, share as comments.