Plug your USB into your victims computer, wait 3 seconds then BAM!! INFECTED!!
1. Detected on ONLY ONE anti-virus (BitDefender) as "Gen:Trojan.TaskDisabler.jm0@a8ePtBni"
2. Disables task manager
3. Blocks mouse input
4. Blocks keyboard input
5. Auto-run enabled
6. Kills ScreenSaver
7. Deletes anti-viruses
8. Kills anti-virus processes
9. Kills tasklist, taskeng, taskmgr
10. Deletes cursors
11. Blocks google and other sites
12. Kills explorer
13. Disable form unloads
14. Replace GUI interface
Author: Rodkzf Full Virus Name: Xodezo aka Gen:Trojan.TaskDisabler.jm0@a8ePtBni Copyright: © Copyright 2010 Rodkzf Software. All rights reserved. Version: Alpha One Visibility: 1/20 (5%) No. of Features: 14 Time to infect: 3 Seconds Auto-infect: Yes Tested: 3 Times (69.4% Stable) Source Type: Closed Item Size: 29.07KB Infect Type: Removable Devices
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